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The knee and thigh blocks on a horse riding saddle.

Knee and thigh blocks aid security and rider position in all saddles, GP general purpose, Jump, dressage, show and working hunter saddles.

All modern day adjustable saddles and many non-adjustable saddles feature velcro for the easy positioning and size changing of knee and thigh blocks.

The blocks we sell are universal, leather or synthetic and can be used on any brand of saddle, in any combination to suit all budgets.

Among the most popular knee and thigh blocks are the Flexiblocs for the Bates, Wintec and Arena saddles and the generic leather and synthetic knee and thigh blocks for the Fairfax, Kent and Masters and Thorowgood saddles.

Size and shape changes to your knee and thigh blocks will make a massive difference to how your saddle feels and the security that is either added or removed.

Again, just like all features of adjustable saddles the moveable knee and thigh blocks can be manipulated to aid in the fitting of your saddle.






All prices include your local VAT rate.

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